
Mobile Applications & IoT

The emphasis on mobile applications and Internet of Things (IoT) has evolved from merely facilitating functionality to addressing an increasingly intricate range of demands: interactivity, synchronization with multiple data sources, enhanced performance, modularity and seamless user experience. Our vast expertise in building and sustaining robust mobile and IoT solutions for small and large organizations enables us to provide all these elements and even more.
"Native Apps, Hybrid Apps, Cross Plattform Apps, Smart Devices, NFC, BLE… We've got all the buzzwords covered. Now, how about turning those into your business success story?"
Daniel Dengler
Head of Mobile Applications and IoT

Yes, we can

deliver scalable, flexible, and high-performing mobile applications that align with your IoT's strategic goals.

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Surpasses your competitors in the mobile and IoT marketplace
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Offers top-notch load time and performance metrics.
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Ensures high-level accessibility across all mobile and IoT platforms.
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Effectively directs the users' focus to high-priority content and functionalities.
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Complements and enhances your brand identity in the digital spectrum.
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Adapts swiftly to evolving technological trends and business needs in the Mobile and IoT landscape.
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Facilitates seamless integration of new IoT devices and services.
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Guarantees robust security protocols to protect your data and IoT systems.
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Provides routine maintenance and updates to keep the performance of your mobile app and IoT systems steady.
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Empowers user engagement and retention through intuitive UI/UX design.


Stuff we Did

Nanotec Electronics

Monolith web portal, PIM and eCommerce Shop with product finder and configurator for Nanotec Electronics. With TYPO3 CMS as base technology the Nanotec website can handle over 200,000 articles, configurations and parametric defined articles. 

Duravit AG - Export Portal

Product data integration with dedicated extranet web portal. Allowing access to product data for internal and external users with configurable access rights

Duravit AG - Print Automation

Print catalogue automation for 30+ language and 250,000+ articles. Fully configurable for the editor from within Contentserv PIM.

What can we lift for you?

Don't hesitate! Ask us. We like a challenge.