
IT Operations and DevOps

In the grand cosmic scheme of things, IT Operations and DevOps might just be the most mind-numbingly fascinating field ever devised by humanity. It's like watching paint dry in slow motion while solving complex puzzles in your sleep. Sure, you might never see your friends again, but hey, who needs friends when you can spend quality time debugging code and configuring servers? It's so exhilaratingly dull that you might even find yourself prioritizing it over date night with your spouse. "Honey, sorry, the server's on the fritz again!" Ah, the sweet symphony of marital compromise!
“Weddings are basically funerals with a cake.”
Anton Dollmaier
Head of IT Operations and DevOps

Yes, we can

make dental appointments feel like thrilling roller coaster rides

... and
give you the experience the joy of waiting for code to compile - in real-time
... and
transform your work-life balance into a thrilling tightrope act
... and
can come up with cheap excuses when we cannot finish a project
... and
rediscover the lost art of caffeine consumption: the DevOps secret weapon
... and
crash servers just as opportunities for personal growth


Stuff we Did

Nanotec Electronics

Monolith web portal, PIM and eCommerce Shop with product finder and configurator for Nanotec Electronics. With TYPO3 CMS as base technology the Nanotec website can handle over 200,000 articles, configurations and parametric defined articles. 

Duravit AG - Export Portal

Product data integration with dedicated extranet web portal. Allowing access to product data for internal and external users with configurable access rights

Duravit AG - Print Automation

Print catalogue automation for 30+ language and 250,000+ articles. Fully configurable for the editor from within Contentserv PIM.

What can we lift for you?

Don't hesitate! Ask us. We like a challenge.