
Business Application Development

Your business need developers? We have great developers - for all shapes and sizes of business applications. But: a successful development project requires more than just good engineers. It requires a clear vision, a detailed concept, smart prioritization and above all user acceptance. We don't just work through your to-do list, we help you create the right to-do list.
“Any process in your company that is not as streamlined as it could be and - at the same time - as powerful and complex as it needs to be has the potential to become part of an application.”
Jan-Thomas Hulha
Head of Business Application Development

Yes, we can

integrate your order management workflow into a brand new customer-self-service frontend…

... and
build an approval process for all necessary documents
... and
rebuild your legacy system as a modern web-applicatio
... and
build a mobile app for your field service
... and
integrate everything with [insert 3rd party solution]
... and
create a dashboard that is actually meaningful
... and
assist you in developing your product idea
... and
help with your internal change-management
... and
implement granular permission management


Stuff we Did

Nanotec Electronics

Monolith web portal, PIM and eCommerce Shop with product finder and configurator for Nanotec Electronics. With TYPO3 CMS as base technology the Nanotec website can handle over 200,000 articles, configurations and parametric defined articles. 

Duravit AG - Export Portal

Product data integration with dedicated extranet web portal. Allowing access to product data for internal and external users with configurable access rights

Duravit AG - Print Automation

Print catalogue automation for 30+ language and 250,000+ articles. Fully configurable for the editor from within Contentserv PIM.

What can we lift for you?

Don't hesitate! Ask us. We like a challenge.